Adult Learning

Continuing Your Journey

Congregation B'nai Israel's adult education programming is a nexus for the historical, spiritual, and religious aspects of Judaism. Offering a multitude of opportunities to explore the diversity that is Jewish culture and tradition, we aim to deepen our members' connections to our community through programs that spark curiosity, feed the intellect and stoke the imagination.

Our innovative programs and classes, outreach efforts and partnerships with other institutions have made Congregation B'nai Israel a cultural institution.

Strengthening Your Jewish Identity

Adult B’nai Mitzvah Program

Strengthen your Jewish identity and enhance your connection to our Jewish community by becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah.

Do you want the chance to celebrate becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah? Have you recently converted to Judaism and are looking for your next learning opportunity? Do want to you interested in learning Judaism’s basic tenants and skills to participate in services?

The year-long course covers a variety of topics, including liturgy, history, theology, and how to read Hebrew.

The Adult B'nai Mitzvah experience concludes in the spring with a B’nai Mitzvah ceremony, where each participant will read from the Torah, reaffirm your commitment to the Jewish people, and celebrate with our community.

Contact Us

For more information, please contact Joanna Horowitz, Clergy Assistant, at 561.241.8118.

Adult Education Courses

The Congregation B'nai Israel Clergy is committed to enriching our lives through a range of topics from Jewish studies, music, world affairs, and much more.

It is our hope that ongoing learning by our adult members and guests will not only foster Jewish literacy, but also nurture a lifelong commitment to the Jewish community.

Generation Tech

This intergenerational program matches our techy teens with non-tech savvy members looking for help navigating our ever-changing digital world. Get help managing smart phones, emails, social media, streaming services and more with these one-on-one learning sessions.

Contact Us

For Tech inquiries please contact Minda Shaiman at 561.241.8118 ext. 119.

Saturday Morning Torah Study

Build a sense of community as you delve into prayer with fellow members and take a deeper look our Torah. Engage in an interactive discussion of the weekly Torah portion and discover how to relate the life lessons in the Torah to our modern lives.