High Holy Days 5784 at Congregation B’nai Israel

Celebrate with us!

Join Congregation B’nai Israel, our clergy, our members and the community for a meaningful and spiritual High Holy Day experience. We are excited to join together in our Cohen/Friedkin sanctuary to celebrate the High Holy Days so we can begin the New Year together with sweetness, health and happiness.


Thank you for choosing to worship at CBI for the High Holy Days. Registration for services for Members, Member Guests and Community Guests will open later this summer. Check back here for updates.

Join us via our Livestream on youtube


CBI Members should have your new decal on your windshield.

Guests: Parking passes for Member Guests and Community Guests will be available as a download in your registration confirmation. Please print this out and have your parking pass visible on your dashboard. Everyone will be directed where to park by CBI Security and limited golf carts will be available for transportation. Carpooling is encouraged if at all possible.

Support CBI

High Holy Day Appeal

Leave a legacy of love & caring for the New Year and the future of CBI. This year for your convenience we ask that you submit your appeal via our online form or mail it in ahead of time.

Join CBI

We are a thriving Jewish community because you are a part of our family. At CBI membership is something special. It is a gateway to a community of support, prayer, kindness and love. We appreciate our current members and welcome new ones.

congregation with a conscience What better way to kick-off the New Year than with a mitzvah! Help us work together to make a difference!

Fight Against Hunger

Join CBI in our 30th Annual Fight Against Hunger!

Each year, during the High Holy Days, we collect non-perishable food items during our Annual Fight Against Hunger! At the conclusion of Rosh Hashanah services, congregants and community guests are invited to take home as many bags as they like and fill them with non-perishable and non-breakable food items. Then, on Yom Kippur, they return the filled bags to the truck stationed in the CBI parking lot.

The food is distributed to those in need through the Jacobson Family Food Pantry of Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services, C.R.O.S Ministries and Boca Helping Hands.

If you are able to help with the distribution of bags and/or organizing food and donations please contact Andrea Cannon or Minda Shaiman.

Rosh Hashanah Food Bags

For more than 20 years, CBI’s members have come together to assemble Rosh Hashanah bags. These bags are filled with traditional Rosh Hashanah items including challah, grape juice, apples and honey that are donated to members of our community in assisted living communities to ensure they have a sweet New Year.

Wednesday, September 6th 4-6pm.

If you would like to help assemble bags, please RSVP to minda@cbiboca.org.