Programs by Age Nadel Center for Early Childhood Education

A Warm and Welcoming Learning Environment

Our Nadel Center for Early Childhood Education (NCECE) is an APPLE accredited school and the first stop on your child’s academic journey. We provide a warm and welcoming learning environment for children between the ages of 2 months and five years old. During their time here, our students acquire a love of learning and a strong sense of Jewish identity while developing their cognitive, motor, social-emotional and self-help skills.

Nurturing the Development of the Whole Child

Our programs begin with our Baby Center and Parent/Child classes and continue through Pre-K. We have multiple day and time options for each age, early care, after care and enrichments. We offer yoga, science, music, sensory, PE, storytime, personal safety and mindfulness awareness classes taught by specialists. Our students have fun and explore our five outdoor play areas, Environmental Awareness Garden, Howard Computer Lab equipped with state-of-the-art computers and the Feldman’s Children’s Library staffed by our award-winning librarian. Daily schedules include a balance of activities and learning experiences that are designed to create friendships and nurture the development of the whole child.

We would love the opportunity to welcome you to our CBI family!

For registration information or any questions, please give us a call in the school office at 561.241.1484.

Parents & Children

Parent & Child Classes

  • Ages: 2-24 months

We offer Mommy & Me, Daddy & Me and Grandparent & Me classes for babies from 8 weeks to 24 months. Our comprehensive set of programs help develop learning, language, fine motor and gross motor skills in a nurturing environment with a community of support for new parents.

Separation Classes

  • Ages: 18-24 months

Our separation classes allow toddlers to ease into the experience and excitement of going to school. Children begin the year attending classes with a parents, then gradually separate and gain independence with nurturing support from our teachers.

Ages 2-3

Almost 2’s

  • Age: 18 months (minimum)
  • Days & Times: Children can attend 2, 3 or 5 days a week with half-day, full-day or extended day options. Nap time is available if you choose, but for the non-nappers, we have activities, arts & crafts, learning and more!

We offer a nurturing, fun environment for your child’s first school experience. Teachers with a special understanding of this age group facilitate cooperation and turn taking. They encourage the development of self-help, social-emotional, motor and cognitive skills as well as language development through hands-on, exploratory experiences. This, in turn, leads to increased self-confidence. Most importantly, our teachers focus on creating a warm and trusting environment which helps each child grow at his or her own pace.


  • Age: Children must be 2 by September 1st
  • Days/Times: Children can attend 3 or 5 days a week with half-day, full-day or extended day options. Nap time is available if you choose, but for the non-nappers, we have activities, arts & crafts, learning and more!

For many children, this is their first school experience. Our first priority is to provide a warm and trusting environment as they ease into independence. Teachers with a special understanding of this age group help each child grow at his or her own pace. Our two-year-olds learn letters, shapes, colors, numbers and various social studies and science themes through hands-on, experiential activities. Your child will have fun and make friends while building self-confidence and a strong educational foundation.

Turning 3’s

  • Age: Children must be 2.5 by September 1st
  • Days/Times: Children can attend 3 or 5 days a week with half-day, full-day or extended day options. Nap time is available if you choose, but for the non-nappers, we have activities, arts & crafts, learning and more!

For many children, this is their first school experience. Our first priority is to provide a warm and trusting environment as they ease into independence. Teachers with a special understanding of this age group help each child grow at his or her own pace. Our two-year-olds learn letters, shapes, colors, numbers and various social studies and science themes through hands-on, experiential activities. Your child will have fun and make friends while building self-confidence and a strong educational foundation.


  • Age: Children must be 3 by September 1st
  • Days/Times: Children can attend 3 or 5 days a week with half-day, full-day or extended day options.

At this age, with burgeoning social language skills, children become more interested in their peers and have a better understanding of what it means to be part of a group. Children participate in classroom jobs and develop a sense of responsibility as a community member. Through open-ended and more structured activities, our Three’s students learn early literacy and math concepts including upper and lowercase letter recognition, consonant letter sounds, writing strokes, measurement, sequencing and more. Teachers encourage the children to ask questions, approach challenges and express their thoughts.



  • Age: Children must be 4 by September 1st
  • Days/Times: Children can attend 5 days a week with full-day or extended day options.

Pre-K is designed to provide our children with the optimal balance of structure, independence and nurturing as they build their social-emotional, fine and gross motor, and cognitive skills. Literacy and math concepts such as letter sounds, writing, rhyming, classifying, graphing, addition and subtraction are woven into their daily activities. They express themselves in journals, enjoy group activities and share ideas. Our teachers understand that our children are figuring out how to navigate their increasingly sophisticated social world and foster the concept empathy for their peers. By the end of the year, our Pre-K students are ready and eager for Kindergarten!