YOUTH PROGRAMS We offer plenty of opportunities for our children and teens to connect, learn, grow and have fun!

Experiencing the Joy of Judaism

Our immersive Jewish experiences instill a sense of joy, compassion and pride in being Jewish. Through our various youth programs, we empower our students to develop ongoing relationships and make a difference in the world.

engaging experiences

Youth Groups

SLJ has a Youth Group for every child from Kindergarten through 12th grade. Our Youth Group members connect with each other through social activities, making memories and friends that last a lifetime. Our major emphasis on fun and friendships helps lead our members to become happy, well-rounded adults with a positive, lifelong Jewish identity. Our youth groups build character, provide meaningful experiences, and have lots of fun all at the same time. Plus, there is always food!

Every student in our school is automatically a member of their age-appropriate youth group, so there is no reason to wait to join in the fun!


  • Grades: 8-12

Our congregation’s young adults have the opportunity to develop as leaders and role models by serving as madrichim (teaching assistants) in our younger grades. Beginning in 8th grade, madrichim work with SLJ teachers in both Judaics and Hebrew classes assisting the teachers with instruction and classroom activities. Positions are also available with our enrichment teachers and in the school office. If any madrich/a is interested in pursuing special education as a career, they may be given opportunities to work with students who have learning challenges. Madrichim gain valuable experience in responsibility, communication, patience, compassion and organization while earning community service hours.

For more information please contact Rachel Sherman at 561.241.1484.

Junior Choir

Have a budding star on your hands? Miss Susan leads this group of children in learning a wide variety of Jewish music for holidays and Shabbat, and participation in our Purim Shpiels. While Junior Choir usually meets Sundays during religious school, we are currently creating music virtually until we can all be together in person. Performances are during services and programs at CBI and also around our community. 


The International Jewish Teen Choir is a youth movement that welcomes Jewishly identified and musically talented teens from a broad range of cultural backgrounds and levels of religious observance. HaZamir offers high schoolers the opportunity to learn and sing Jewish choral music at the highest musical standard and on the world’s greatest stages. Together the singers of HaZamir create harmonious unity and long lasting connections, to one another and Judaism, through excellence in music.

  • Open to 9th through 12th-grade students (CBI membership is not required)
  • Meets on Sundays at 11am

Contact Cantor Muchnick to schedule your audition.