Colleagues Willing to Connect

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Reach out to fellow reform rabbis eager to share insights, resources,
and support for enriching your Israel-related initiatives.

Title / First Name Last Name Affiliation Email Phone #
Rabbi ArielBoxmanDirector, Temple Shalom Preschool (Naples, FL)aboxman@naplestemple.org443.985.6150
Rabbi ErinBoxtTemple Beth Shalom (Ocala, FL)rabbi@jewishocala.com770.776.8802
OrlyErez-LikhosvkiExecutive Director of IRACorly@irac.org972.620.3478
Rabbi AmyFederSenior Rabbi, Temple Israel (St. Louis, MO)afeder@ti-stl.org314.432.8050
Rabbi FredGuttmanRabbi Emeritus, Temple Emanuel (Greensboro, NC)fguttman@aol.com336.327.7092
Rabbi SamanthaKahnSenior Associate Rabbi, Congregation B'nai Israel (Boca Raton, FL)rabbikahn@cbiboca.org561.241.8118 ext. 125
Rabbi JanKatzew, PhDAssociate Professor of Jewish Thought and Education, HUC-JIR (Cincinnati, OH)jandkatzew@gmail.com914.629.7700
Rabbi KellyLevyBeth Israel (Austin, TX)klevy@bethisrael.org210.862.7563
Rabbi JosephMeszlerTemple Sinai (Sharon, MA)josephmezler@gmail.com781.752.5350
TamarRoigPartnership Development Director972.53.827.9727
Rabbi NatanTriefHead of Adult Education, Temple Sinai (Atlanta, GA)ntrief@templesinaiatlanta.org561.886.9941


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