Israeli Organizations and Congregations

Connect. Educate. Inspire.

Welcome to Mili's directory of Israeli organizations and congregations. This curated list connects you with a diverse network of partner organizations and congregations, each dedicated to fostering meaningful Zionist connections and promoting liberal Jewish values. By engaging with these esteemed partners, you can access invaluable resources, collaborate on impactful initiatives, and strengthen your community's bond with the State of Israel.

ARZA (Association of Reform Zionists of America)

The Association of Reform Zionists of America is the Israel arm of the Reform Movement, representing our community to the Zionist National Institutions. ARZA’s mission is two-fold: to center a connection to Israel in the American Reform community, and to strengthen our movement on the ground in Israel.

The Daniel Centers

The Daniel Centers for Progressive Judaism was founded in 1991 by a group of leaders with a vision for a modern Israel grounded in pluralism and egalitarianism. They recognized the growing need to provide a Jewish home for countless Israelis who were deeply connected to the Jewish tradition yet were not Orthodox in their values or practice. Over the last thirty years the Daniel Centers has become one of the leading Reform organizations in Israel and we continue in our vision to promote and renew Jewish spirit in the Jewish state.  We have become the lighthouse for thousands of Israelis who seek to celebrate their tradition in a place that also speaks to their values of egalitarianism and inclusivity.


Hiddush is committed to the advancement of “freedom of religion and conscience” and “full social and political equality without distinction on the basis of religion”, as promised in Israel’s Declaration of Independence. Hiddush believes that fully realizing the promise of religious freedom will strengthen Israel both as a democracy and as a Jewish state, and will bolster Jewish Peoplehood and Israel/Diaspora relationships.

IMPJ (The Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism)

Guided by values of Reform Judaism in general, and Tikkun Olam in particular, the Israel Reform Movement works every day to make progressive and pluralistic Judaism accessible to all Israelis.

IRAC (Israel Religious Action Center)

Securing civil rights for a just and egalitarian Israel based on Israeli law and Jewish tradition.

JNF-USA (Jewish National Fund)

Jewish National Fund-USA is dedicated to ensuring a strong, secure, and prosperous future for the land and people of Israel. Through strategic initiatives and projects, we build and connect to our land, enhancing lives by planting trees, building homes and parks, sourcing water solutions, and supporting people with special needs. We also boost tourism, support Aliyah, promote Zionist education, build medical and trauma centers, fund research, and run educational programs. Each effort aligns with our vision of fostering population growth, connecting future generations to Israel, and advancing infrastructure, ecology, and heritage preservation.

JOH (Jerusalem Open House for Pride and Tolerance)

The Open House is one of the most prominent centers of LGBT activity in the Middle East working to promote equal rights through social change and provides services for the community in Jerusalem.

United Hatzalah

When emergencies occur, rapid medical treatment increases chances of survival exponentially. Using specially equipped motorcycle ambulances, United Hatzalah’s network of more than 7,000 volunteer medics help save thousands of lives each year across Israel by providing medical treatment in an average response time of 3 minutes or less.

WOW (Women of the Wall)

As Women of the Wall, our central mission is to attain social and legal recognition of our right, as women, to wear prayer shawls, pray, and read from the Torah, collectively and aloud, at the Western Wall. We work to further our mission through social advocacy, education and empowerment.

ZRC (Zionist Rabbi Coalition)

We are Zionist rabbis who constructively engage with Israel to build bridges with Israel and the Jewish people. Our mission is to promote unity, understanding, and cooperation among the Jewish communities of Israel and the Diaspora.


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