Celebrate Purim with your CBI Family!
Purim, the 14th day of the Hebrew month of Adar, is the most fun-filled, action-packed day of the Jewish year, as it commemorates our people’s miraculous salvation more than 2,000 years ago. We celebrate the bravery of Queen Esther and Mordechai. When they learned that Haman, who worked for King Ahasuerus, was plotting against the Jews, they told the king about Haman's evil plan and saved the Jewish people.
Fulfilling Mitzvot
In addition to the fun traditions surround Purim, there are also four commandments or mitzvot to fulfill: Megillah, Mishloach Manot, Mishteh and Matanot L'evyonim. All of the mitzvot associated with Purim are related to taking care of one another. Click here to learn more.
For questions about our Purim events, please call the office at 561.241.8118.
Purim events
Mamma Mia! Purim Shpiel
Saturday, March 23 at 6:30pm
Cohen/Friedkin Sanctuary
Join us as we enjoy the story of Purim set to your favorite "Mamma Mia!" tunes. Get ready for a night of laughter, joy and musical magic. Pizza dinner will be served at 6:30pm, and our Shpiel will begin at 7pm in the sanctuary followed by a hamantaschen oneg.
Purim Mitzvot
Reading the Megillah
On Purim, the Megillah (or story of Purim) is read aloud in synagogues all over the world – and this is one time when no one is discouraged from making noise during the service! In fact, listeners shake their groggers (Yiddish for “noisemakers”) every time they hear the name of the villain of the story, Haman.
Eating a Special Meal
In addition to the Purim Shpiel, costume parade, carnival and baking hamantaschen, many families also enjoy the Seudah, or the Purim feast. This commandment, also know as Mishteh is to “eat, drink, and be merry.”